My dear friend, Bobb Biehl, reminds us often that for most people the 60’s are the most productive decade. (So that explains why we have no time to trim the backyard trees!) In fact, we have passed the mid-way point of this most productive decade and there is no...
Greetings from sun-drenched Fresno, where the plants are shriveling and the pavement is melting—and it’s not yet summer! I suppose one could express appreciation for living in a place that makes it so much easier to explain what Hell might be. Then again, it’s still...
I have traveled to over thirty countries and enjoyed the unique forms of hospitality and cultural distinctives of each place. My mind is filled with indelible memories of the crazy traffic in India, the amazing food in the Philippines, the familiar language of Romania...
It was not until I was in my forties that I learned my real birth date. The explanation is too long to share. Today, on my 66th birthday (I think!) I am pondering that having two birthdays really has had its advantages. • My family and friends have had more time to...
Each year I have been challenged to pick one word that reflects a central focus for the upcoming year. This is not an easy task. Obviously, what one word could top the word JESUS as anyone’s central focus—since He is to have the preeminent first place spot in all we...
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