“Winning the Purity War in Europe and Beyond — A Strategic Proposal”

by Dr. James M. Cecy, JARON Ministries International.

JARON Ministries International was incorporated in 1992 and is actively involved in equipping and training local, national and international pastors, missionaries, ministers, counselors, chaplains, para-church and community leaders. In addition to other aspects of biblical and ministry training, we have been especially committed to equip God’s people with the guidelines for living in an immoral world. More recently we have been engaged in helping organizations combat the sex-trade and human-trafficking problem internationally.

In 2011 I published a book entitled, “The Purity War: A Biblical Guide to Living in an Immoral World.” (Condeo Press). This book provides a biblical view of human sexuality and specific guidelines for guarding our minds, our bodies and each other. The book also contains a detailed Study Guide for personal and group participation, as well as an extensive Personal Accountability Program. Proceeds from the U.S. sales of the book have been used exclusively for ministry. We are pleased to have been able to provide thousands of copies to Christian leaders around the world. We have also been blessed to have had hundreds of thousands attend our live seminars in the U.S. and on five continents.

These materials are a well-tested tool for strengthening families and Christ’s Church, as God’s people radically infiltrate their homes, their local church and the community with the message of personal holiness. We believe this biblical training provides the much-needed foundation for any program or ministry that seeks to transform an immoral world, one life and one community at a time. Not only do we need a more biblically-based approach to prevention and restoration locally, we need a well-tested method that can be used internationally. I believe we can show evidence that we at JARON Ministries have both—all glory to God.

I am writing to tell you about our “Winning the Purity War in Europe” project, specifically as it relates to training European leaders to be better equipped to train others to fight the battle with immorality, including those involved in battling the international pornography and sex-trafficking and human slavery industry in Eastern Europe—one of the key areas of the world.

Our desire is to also expand our well-proven program for equipping these workers to not be caught up in the web of immorality themselves. I did my doctoral research at Western Seminary on why and how ministers fall morally. One of the subtle tactics of the devil is to entrap well-meaning servants of God who, after being exposed to the smut and degradation, fall prey themselves. We believe we have a plan to help equip these precious ministers to fight “the battle within” as they also fight the battle globally.

Moldova SeminarWhat is our plan to meet this need?

We desire to provide written, audio and video materials as well as personalized training in Europe, beginning in Poland and the Czech Republic and, if God provides enough resources, other key European countries that are also centers for the worldwide pornography and sex-trade/human-trafficking industry (e.g. Bulgaria, Hungary, Moldova, Romania and Ukraine). This will require us to develop, translate, edit, distribute multi-lingual written, audio and video training programs for these ministry leaders. We will also need to travel to Europe to provide face-to-face training.

What are our long-term goals and what lasting impact do we hope to see?

Our desire would be to expand this training to other European countries as well as to other continents. Asia, for example, rivals Europe in its billions of dollars and millions of participants in the porn and sex-trade/human slavery industry. We praise God that there are many churches and para-church organizations committed to do battle against the rising problem of immorality. However, we believe our materials will help provide the theological, biblical and practical training necessary to equip, protect and sustain these ministries. As we have already seen, our program will serve to unite these ministries around a central biblical purpose—to “glorify God” in their bodies (1 Corinthians 6:19-20). Beyond the rescuing of victims and helping to stay the tide of immorality in the international community, we desire to see these ministries unite around the spreading of the good news of the Gospel for the glory of God. We also have seen these same materials used to build Christ’s Church internationally. We truly believe that an unholy world will never be won to Christ by an unholy Church.

What are our near-term objectives and how will we measure them?

Some of the materials are already available via our website (www.puritywar.com). Other than the book, all materials are free and easy to access. We presently have written and audio translations in twelve European languages. The book/study guide and personal accountability program is also available in English via Amazon (U.S. and Europe) and via OMF Publishers (Asia). However, much more needs to be done in terms of developing more detailed written, audio and video training for each country. Of course, in some cases, in-country training from our JMI staff will be necessary until qualified national trainers are equipped. Specifically, as it relates to this project, we expect to see the following before the end of 2015:

  1. Launch the detailed training program for churches, para-church and community organizations in the Summer of 2015, beginning with Poland and the Czech Republic and eventually extending to other key countries in Europe.
  2. Develop and translate “The Purity War” book, Study Guide, Personal Accountability Program and Training Curriculum into both the Polish and Czech languages. Both translations are in various stages of completion. The Polish translation is complete and awaiting publication and distribution. The Czech translation of the Purity War book, Study Guide is complete and being proof-read. The additional training guides, seminars and webinars are pending, as the Lord provides the necessary resources.
  3. In cooperation with partnering churches and para-church organizations we expect to offer regular and specifically-designed training sessions in-country. I will also be joined by our JARON Ministry staff, missionaries and chaplains in providing personal counseling and discipleship for these leaders.

With whom will we collaborate or partner on this project?

We are privileged to partner with a number of churches and para-church organizations internationally. In terms of this specific project, we will be partnering with the leadership of the European Leadership Forum (i.e. Dr. Greg Pritchard, Tony Myrick, Dr. Emanuel Tundrea, etc.). In each country in Europe we will be working primarily with those leaders who are approved by the European Leadership Forum. A few years ago, our ministry donated copies of “The Purity War” which were distributed to the 700 delegates at the European Leadership Forum. In addition to my many live and webinar workshops for the ELF, this has helped open the doors to scores of ministries in a number of countries. It is also my great joy to continue mentoring and shepherding many of these leaders as, in the words of Dr. Pritchard, “a pastor to the pastors.”

What does JARON Ministries require to complete this project?

Besides joining us in praying for God’s wisdom and power, we need His provision of substantial financial resources for this “Winning the Purity War in Europe” project. Specifically, we are asking God to provide the following:

  • Funds to further develop, translate, edit, and distribute multi-lingual written, audio and video training programs for ministry leaders in Poland and Czech Republic.
  • Funds to provide English materials and training webinars/seminars to key English-speaking leaders throughout Europe.
  • Funds to supplement travel to Europe for face-to-face training for key leaders who are developing “Winning the Purity War” program in their area and country.
  • Funds for additional administrative help ($300 per month for ten months)
  • Funds for overhead/office supplies/updated equipment/training webinar platform
  • Funds for fundraising in order to raise the additional funds that will be needed for this project, especially to Bulgaria, Hungary, Moldova, Romania and Ukraine.
  • Funds to support a JARON missionary who will serve as a key trainer and overseer of this ministry.
  • Funds to expand this same program to Asia, Africa and South America. Of course, all along the way, we will be continuing to fight the battle here in North America. As never before, we need your help to win this purity war!

To God be the glory for the great things He has done, is doing and will continue to do.

Dr. James M. Cecy

Founder and President of JARON Ministries International, Inc.

  • To donate by mail: Send check to JARON Ministries, 4710 N. Maple Ave., Fresno, CA. 93726.(Please include a note “Purity War Project”) Thank you for your much-needed help!
  • To donate on-line: Go to the home page at JARON Ministries at www.jaron.org and click on “Donate”. Mark the donor recipient as “Purity War Project”. Thank you for joining us in this battl
  • To order the book or find out more information about the Purity War program: Visit www.puritywar.com

Dr. James M. Cecy

Senior Pastor-Teacher, Campus Bible Church of Fresno

www.campusbiblechurch.com • (559) 291-9116


President, JARON Ministries International, Inc., Fresno, CA.

www.jaron.org • (559) 227-7997